It turned out that many egg whites and nutritional benefits

The egg white is widely believed to contain a variety of nutrients is excellent in toning and nourish the skin.
Nutrition egg whites are excellent in making the facial skin youthful, increasingly fine too clean.
Besides the antioxidants contained in the egg white was also believed to remove dead skin cells well, while keeping the skin from dangerous sun rays UV A and UV B.
To treat skin egg white mask wearing, how the hell do I? So here's how. You only need to prepare 1 egg (try a chicken egg) for a container for the egg white and the ice cubes and clean towels.
After all the ingredients are ready, then create a mask. Separate the egg whites with the yolk. Take whites only then place diwadah already 
provided. Beat the egg whites until foamy form a paste or the like. Then apply a face mask rub evenly using fingers or a brush. But remember, when applying this mask should face must be clean of makeup
Allow the mask for about 15 to 20 minutes. If the mask had dried and hardened, carefully rinse your face with warm water. Wipe with a clean towel and leave skin clean.
And for the final touch so that the pores are closed and even fresher face, apply ice to the face and let it dry by itself.


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