Not long ago, scientists discovered a mysterious object in the solar system, named Niku
This object has fields and direction different orbits of other celestial bodies. Initially, scientists suspect that this object is a dwarf planet (dwarf), entered in the class of trans-Neptunian objects. But, after further analysis, even scientists were puzzled by it. Normally, the object of which is smaller than the planet can be called a dwarf planet or even an asteroid.
However, Niku could not be classified in both. Because Niku has a different orbital plane 110 degrees compared to the orbital plane of the other celestial objects that orbit the sun.
Oddly enough, Niku orbit direction opposite the direction of orbit most celestial bodies in the Solar System. When the other celestial bodies orbiting the Sun in the direction of rotation, Niku is precisely the opposite.
Scientists suspect, Niku is formed from the collisions with other mysterious celestial bodies and influenced by other styles outside the Sun or planets in the Solar System.
Matthew Holman, the scientist who discovered Niku, saying that this shows that there is still very much in the outer solar system that we do not fully understand.
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